Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Paws in the Park, Detlin Showground

The other day Julie came across yet another event sign on her way home from work. (That's what I love about this place, there's always something going on!) This time, it was for a dog show called "Paws in the Park" about a 20 min from us. While researching online, we found that it was a huge dog friendly event that focused on "your dog". Because it was advertised in such a way, we thought we'd treat Bess to a special day out. 

As she does, Bess hopped into the car as soon as she saw the infamous "going out bag". We all laughed as she sat waiting and refusing to leave the car for more than 15 min. She must have assumed we were taking her to the park. Really, she had no idea what kind of day she was about to have. She panted excitedly as we zoomed down the highway towards Detlin Showground. A strange animal she is, always sitting on her butt like a human and participating in alien affairs, we had no idea how she would react upon arrival. 

Thankfully she didn't pass out as we paid for tickets and entered doggy heaven. There were literally hundreds of dogs of all kinds, including Greyhounds, Chows, Labs, Chihuahuas, Poodles, and even some Boxer friends for our girl. A lady handed us a map and calendar events full of exciting things to see and do. Most of the events were participatory, meaning that (after a short wait in line) your own dog could join in on the fun. These events included a doggy pool, hurdle course, search and rescue course, obedience training and more. We started by taking a look at the many dog stores set up among the grounds. I bought a handkerchief decorated with the Union Jack for my dog Sage back at home (see below). After a bit of shopping, we headed for the hurdles and let Bess have a go. At first, she was a bit worried but heck, she's always a little embarrassed about things. She ended up doing great, I was even able to snap a cool mid-air shot of her in action (below). 

After resting for awhile and letting Bess off her lead to play with some stones (a strange habit of hers), we continued to visit the many exhibitions around the showground. Andrew and I really enjoyed the Husky tent where we made friends with many very loud (raw row row) puppers. We watched a synchronized performance by a group of very well trained doggies and their strange cowboy trainer, watched the Bernese Mountain Dog and Newfoundland cart exhibition and ended the day with a nice latte and a meet and greet with a gigantic Great Dane. 

I was a great day out for those with paws, and those without. 

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