Thursday, 19 September 2013

Autumnal Walk in the Fields

Last night I begged Andrew to take me up the fields after he got home from work. The sunset was beautiful and I fancied a bit of fresh fall air. Like the true English gentleman that he is, he agreed to take me despite the chilliness. We suited up with our winter hats and long socks, grabbed Bess out of her bed, and off we went. 

It was crisp and the moon was full. I was instantly reminded of how much I love this time of year. We took the long route and talked about the future. I could't stop myself from taking at least a hundred photos of the fields below the falling sun. Andrew kept telling me to turn my camera off and hold his hand instead (xxx). Sometimes I wish I could download my photographic memories. 

Because this is my first English fall, I intend to cherish every fallen leaf. That's what I love about spending so much time in a different country, you get to learn what it means to just "be" all over again. 

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