Sunday, 6 October 2013

Sweet Teeth

Today Andrew took me to have lunch at Bluewater, a huge mall near London. We chose an American style diner called "Ed's". Both of us indulged ourselves with all that is unhealthy and it was great. The burgers were awesome and the Root Beer was even better. I've never understood why Root Beer never made it across the pond. If anybody has an answer, I'd love to know! On our way out we stopped in a sweet shop only to find an enormous hoard of American goodies. I almost passed out when I saw how much they were charging for Jif peanut butter ... and cereal!!! Even so, Andrew couldn't pass up his most favorite American cereal, Peanut Butter Cap'n Crunch. Yes ... we paid £5.99 for a box of cereal and it was gone by 7:30pm tonight. Anyway, I guess we hadn't had enough food for one day, so we grabbed some macaroons from M&S before heading to the parking lot. Having never properly tried one, I though I'd give them a go. I'm now in love and planning to make some soon ... maybe even tomorrow. 

So, who goes to one of the biggest shopping centers in Britain and comes home with only sweets? 
We do.


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